New: Special issue of Communication Design Quarterly focused on UX pedagogy

Hi all,I’m happy to announce the publication of issue 12, 3 of Communication Design Quarterly (CDQ), which is a special issue focused on innovative practices of UX pedagogy. The special issue was edited by Emma J. Rose and Heather Noel Turner, and they did an amazing job bringing together a wide range of authors who contributed to the ten articles published in this issue. I created a page of all the article titles, author names, and abstracts in the issue, and you can also download the issue directly using this link. I hope you all enjoy, and I want to thank all the contributors for sharing their excellent research and helping shape how we approach core issues of UX pedagogy moving forward.

Don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions about the issue of CDQ in general.

Thank you,

Jordan Frith, Ph.D.

Pearce Professor of Professional Communication

Clemson University

Pronouns: He/Him

My new Object Lessons book: Barcode