Event: Writing about Writing Dr. Beth Boswell on AI in Composition Pedagogy

Dear Colleagues,

A conversation with Dr. Beth Boswell on the implications and practicalities of AI in Composition Pedagogy

Dr. Beth Boswell is an English Lecturer and Director of Composition, The University of Alabama in Huntsville)

Date: 10/29/2024 at 7 PM CST (8 PM EST)

Zoom link: https://minotstateu.zoom.us/j/93864261535?pwd=RVpjV05GZlpENVpWYVBab0ErUytZUT09

The WAW Standing Group is pleased to invite you to our discussion with Beth Boswell:

Though many critics characterize the writing of Chat-GPT and other LLMs as "basic," "robotic," and "mediocre" (at best), an exploration of the things generative AI can do really well reveals critical spaces for teachers in any discipline for reviewing and revising writing designed for student learning and assessment. By challenging current narratives on the function of Chat as a writer, we can interrogate those spaces where it functions as a reader. This presentation will offer a framework for beginning that work in the WaW classroom: decoding disciplinary values present in assignment prompts and rubrics, identifying bias and assumptions of student prior knowledge and experience, and rethinking the identity and role of "peer reviewers" in a post-Chat world.


Samuel Stinson
Immediate past co-coordinator