Dear Colleagues,
It’s not too late to register for our Fall 2024 Cheryl Glenn Advancing the Agenda Session: "Challenging Times, Strategic Minds: Feminist Scholars in Conversation,"– an organized debrief with other feminist teachers and scholars after the US election.
Here are the details and registration information:
Alt Text: Session Title: Challenging Times, Strategic Minds: Feminist Scholars in Conversation; Presenters: Drs. Shewonda Leger and Trish Roberts-Miller; Date and Time: Friday, November 15, 3-4:30 PM ET; Cheryl Glenn Advancing the Agenda Webinar Series; CFSHRC
Registration Link:
**Note: As part of a rhetorical practice of creating a safe space to share openly with each other, this webinar will not be recorded.
Thank you to the Glenn AtA planning committee for organizing this kairotic event. We hope you can join us!
Best wishes
Becca Richards
President, CFSHRC
Session Overview
This interactive webinar, "Challenging Times, Strategic Minds," will be a welcoming space for feminist teachers and scholars in rhetoric, composition, and communication to come together after a contentious presidential election with wide-reaching implications to debrief. Featuring a dialogue with Dr. Shewonda Leger and Dr. Trish Roberts-Miller, attendees will have the opportunity to reflect and talk with others about what is going on. Questions will center on the implications of recent politics on our teaching, community partnerships, research, and administrative lives. How are we feeling and responding in a political and public world that is so hostile to diverse inclusion and women’s rights in discourse, policy, and university administration? Where are you at this moment? What has been working and what has not been working? What strategies might we develop, together, for taking the next steps?
Presenter Bios

Alt Text: Profile photo of Dr. Trish Roberts Miller
Dr. Trish Roberts-Miller is the former director of the University Writing Center and current Professor Emeritus in the Department of Rhetoric and Writing at the University of Texas at Austin. Her area of expertise is train wrecks in public deliberation: times that communities talked themselves into decisions they later regretted (from the Sicilian Expedition to the Iraq invasion). She has taught graduate and undergraduate courses on demagoguery, the slavery debate, history of rhetoric, composition studies, propaganda, rhetorical theory, and rhetoric about war. She has published five scholarly monographs: Deliberating War (SpringerLink, 2024), Rhetoric and Demagoguery, (SIUP, 2019; finalist Rhetoric Society of America book of the year), Fanatical Schemes: Proslavery Rhetoric and the Tragedy of Consensus (U of Alabama P 2009), Deliberate Conflict: Composition Classes and Political Spaces (SIUP, 2004), Voices in the Wilderness: The Paradox of the Puritan Public Sphere (U of Alabama P, 1999). She has also published two trade books: Speaking of Race: Constructive Conversations About an Explosive Topic (2021) and Demagoguery and Democracy (2017; translated into Czech, Greek, Serbian, and possibly Spanish; first-year book for University of Maryland 2019-2020), both with The Experiment.

Alt Text: Profile photo of Dr. Shewonda Leger
Dr. Shewonda Leger is an Assistant Professor of Multilingual Writing and Pedagogy in the Department of English at Florida International University. Her research interests include Caribbean women’s rhetorics, feminist and womanist film theory, heritage linguistics, and Black women’s health disparities. Her work has appeared in Rhetoric Society Quarterly, Kairos, Enculturation Intermezzo, and Peitho. She is a recipient of the Florida Education Fund Junior