Volunteer: Contacts in a WPA graduate course


In the spring semester, I’m again teaching a graduate seminar at NC State on WPA work, titled "Writing Program Administration: Theory, Research, and Practice." Students will complete a course project in which they study a writing program at another college or university. As the course proceeds, they’ll be responsible for learning about the program they’ve chosen (e.g., placement, teacher development, administrative location and oversight, curricular emphasis and goals, etc.) in sync with the weekly topics. By the end of the course, they’ll write up a profile of the program focusing on the course topics.

To this end, I’m looking for interested WPAs who are willing to serve as contacts on behalf of their programs.

Although I can’t offer a reward if you volunteer and are chosen, I’m hoping that the profile might be of some use to you, in the sense that it will be not just a description but a gently heuristic analysis–something that could spark an idea or put a practice in a new light based on the readings and inquiries in the course. And you’re welcome to use the report in any way you wish, such as material for a staff meeting or a curriculum committee. The students’ reports will not be made public or shared beyond the course, nor will any information that you provide them.

If a student chooses your program, they will be contacting you for some basic information during the spring semester, starting in mid- to late January and ending in mid-April. This could take the form of emailed questions, phone calls, or Zoom chats. I’ll also be ensuring that students don’t barrage you with questions or send those frustrating queries that can’t be answered without a lengthy narrative and too much of your limited time. Because the work will be spread out over the semester, it shouldn’t take you too much time at any given point, and you could also suggest that the student talk to or email someone else (an associate or assistant director, a TA, a writing center director, etc.) to help them get what they need–or just point them to a specific location online or forward them a relevant document. But just to be clear, the students will be counting on you to give them information at regular intervals.

If you’re interested in participating, please first accept my heartfelt thanks for volunteering and fill out a brief form at:


Students will choose an institution that best suits their interests and career aspirations. (Typically there are more volunteers than there are students.) If you’ve helped in the past, please feel welcome to volunteer again.

A WPA who did this twice (then started teaching a similar course) wrote the following in his own solicitation: "I found my participation in [Chris Anson’s] project to be orienting, heuristic, and affirming in each experience. . . . Honestly, these two experiences were two of the very best experiences in my tenure as WPA."

Feel welcome to send me an email at canson if you have any questions.

Many thanks in advance to those of you who volunteer. My students and I will be really grateful.



Dr. Chris M. Anson
Distinguished University Professor
Senior Strategic Advisor, Campus Writing & Speaking Program
Box 8105, North Carolina State University
Raleigh, NC 27695-8105