Writing Studies Position in Writing, Rhetoric, and Technical Communication
The Department of Writing Studies invites applications for a full-time, nine-month, tenure-track or tenured faculty position beginning fall semester 2025 (8/25/2025). Appointment will be made at the rank of Advanced Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, or Professor. The Department of Writing Studies has a strong commitment to advancing equity, accessibility, and diversity in all aspects of our work and we are interested in candidates who can support and expand this commitment. We seek a candidate with an active research agenda in technical and professional communication, which we conceive of broadly to include scholarship and teaching that investigates writing with and about technology and technical knowledge for a wide range of audiences and purposes. In conjunction with this specialization, we seek candidates whose research and teaching engage with contemporary key issues in the field such as emerging technologies and literacies, user experience, international/transnational communication, social justice and narrative inquiry, queer rhetorics, disability studies, and/or accessibility.
For more information, and to apply, visit writ.
Molly Margaret Kessler, PhD | she/her/hers
Associate Professor
Director of Graduate Studies | MA & PhD in RSTC, Cert. & MS in TC
Associate Chair | Department of Writing Studies | University of Minnesota
Assistant Editor | Rhetoric of Health and Medicine