Event: Tutor Talks December Session: Breaking the Ice: Naming Ableism and Building Inclusion.

Dear Writing Center Tutors and Consultants,

Join us on Friday, December 13th at 12 p.m. CT for our next Tutor Talks session: Breaking the Ice: Naming Ableism and Building Inclusion. In this session, both new and experienced consultants will have the opportunity to share and discuss ableism in the writing center and how they build inclusion in their consultations. To focus discussion we will be referring to the following article: "Naming Ableism in the Writing Center" (2020) by J.M. Dembsey. Members of the Tutor Talks Executive Committee will have some discussion topics/questions prepared for the group, but we also encourage attendees to take the lead in guiding discussion, sharing their experiences in the writing center and what they learned or found interesting from the article.

Tutor Talks is a tutor-focused forum (“for tutors, by tutors”) of virtual professional development sessions for writing center tutors. The aim of the sessions is to create an open discussion for tutors to support and learn from one another.

Writing tutors and consultants from all over (not just the SCWCA region!) are welcome. Directors/administrators, because these sessions are tutor-focused, we ask that you not attend them yourselves. However, please share with your tutors and encourage them to take advantage of these fun and informative opportunities to learn and connect! Also note that, to ensure a safe and comfortable space for all, sessions will not be recorded.

Tutors: Please RSVP through the Google Form. The Zoom link will be sent out on the day of the session (Please check your spam folder if you do not receive the link).


Tutor Talks Executive Committee

South Central Writing Centers Association