CFP: Fourteenth Symposium on Writing Centers in Asia (February 15, 2025)

Dear Colleagues,

The Writing Centers Association of Japan, in conjunction with the Hiroshima University Writing Center, is pleased to announce the Fourteenth Symposium on Writing Centers in Asia to be held on Saturday, February 15, 2025. The theme this year is a question: ‘What Is a Writing Center?’

Plenary Speakers:

– Tom Gally, University of Tokyo (Emeritus)
– Paul Wai-Ling Lai, Nagoya University

Attendance is free. We welcome proposal submissions for talks and/or posters, as well as general participation from all interested parties, whether or not they are currently associated with a Writing Center or a writing/English studies position. We especially encourage participation from faculty members and university administrators interested in establishing new writing centers at their respective institutions.


Higashi-Senda Innovative Research Center, Hiroshima University

1 Chome-1-89, Higashi-Senda-cho, Naka-ku, Hiroshima City, Hiroshima, 730-0053

If you wish to give a presentation, please submit your proposal here:

Deadline for submission: Friday January 10, 2025 by 17:00 (Japan Standard Time)
Notification: by Friday January 24, 2025

More information is available on the following page, which will be updated with further details as the date of the symposium draws near:

Please feel free to forward this email. WCAJ is a volunteer run organization and any assistance in publicizing the symposium would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance for your assistance.

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Writing Centers Association of Japan