Hi friends,
I know it’s a busy time of the semester with grades and holiday planning! I just wanted to send a reminder that you have the wonderful opportunity to nominate a great colleague for the Stonewall Service Award.
The award recognizes members of CCCC/NCTE who have consistently worked to improve the experiences of sexual and gender minorities within the organization and the profession. The submission date has been extended to January 13, 2025!
Here’s the website with more information including what to submit: https://cccc.ncte.org/cccc/awards/stonewall
I’m chairing the award committee this year! If you have questions please email me at antoniobyrd. And if you look at the website you’ll read that NCTE/CCCC have not always received nominations each year. If you have any feedback about the award itself, you can email me those thoughts too!
Antonio ByrdAssistant Professor of English
University of Missouri-Kansas City