Job: Lecturer in Professional Writing: Purdue University (screening begins 01/17/25)

The Professional Writing Program in the Department of English at Purdue University invites applications for a full-time, Academic Year (9 month) position as a Lecturer beginning in August 2024. The position will include teaching general education, courses in the major, and assisting with program administration. Teaching graduate courses in professional writing or rhetoric and composition may also be possible, depending on qualifications, experience, and program needs.

Please see the advertisement for details:

Application review (letter, CV with references, teaching philosophy) begins Fri Jan 17, 2025. Candidates selected for interviews will be asked to provide a teaching portfolio (syllabi, assignments, course evaluations, observation reports, additional references focusing on teaching, etc.).

Please direct any questions to Bradley Dilger, dilger.

Thank you,
Bradley Dilger, Professor of English (he/his/Dilger)
Director of Writing
Purdue Rhetoric & Composition