Dear colleagues,
Happy New Year! This is a friendly reminder that the call for proposals for our JSLW Special Issue, Emotions in Teaching Second Language Writing, will close on Jan. 15. Detailed information about our call and the submission instructions can be found through this direct link:
Questions and inquiries can be directed to our editorial team at JSLWSI2025. We look forward to receiving your submissions.
With very best wishes /岁末将至 敬颂冬绥,
Regardless of the time I sent this email to you, there is no expectation for you to read or respond to my email outside of your normal working hours, during annual leave, or on days you are not contracted to work.
Andy Jiahao Liu (He/him/his)
Global Professor of English
International Foundations Writing Program
The University of Arizona
Northwest Agriculture and Forestry University Microcampus
Yangling, Shaanxi, China
Email: ajliu