Case Western Reserve University (Cleveland, OH) is seeking applications for an Assistant or Associate Professor (tenure track) position in Humanity and Technology.*
The full job posting is available by visiting the following webpage: len12).
While I am not on the search committee for this position, the CWRU Writing Program ( would be delighted to welcome a new colleague into our diverse and thriving scholarly and pedagogical community!
Please share this posting with any candidates in your networks who may be interested.
Thank you,
Kim Emmons
*Please note that this is not the TT position in AI & Machine Learning that I circulated in December, nor is it the Writing Program Lecturer (non-tenure-track) position that is accepting applications through January 15. Please continue to encourage applications from candidates in your networks who may be interested in any/all of these positions. Thanks!!
Kimberly K. Emmons
Pronouns: she/her/hers
Oviatt Professor of English; Associate Professor
Writing Program Director
Case Western Reserve University
Guilford House, Room 221