Dear Writing Center Colleagues,
We are pleased to share the CFP for the fourth issue of Center Moves. This time, it’s a wildcard / open issue, and we invite submissions on any writing center training topic by February 7, 2025.
Read on, and please let me know if anyone on our editorial team can answer any questions!
Erin Zimmerman, Lisa Bell, Juli Parrish, and Olivia Tracy, Center Moves Editorial Team
Our fourth issue of Center Moves will be a “wildcard” issue. Rather than focusing on two distinct themes, in this issue we’re inviting proposals centered on any topic related to writing and tutoring center training and praxis.
With this open call, we encourage you to submit a proposal sharing training materials that might not have fit within our previous themes or that might move across multiple categories of training practice (from those defined in our Keyword Glossary to others you can imagine). If you have a training you’ve been excited about or which has been particularly effective for tutors and consultants, we welcome your proposals!
If you have questions, or if you have an idea but are not sure about how to prepare it for submission, write to us at rmwca.tutorcon, and one of our editorial team will get back to you.
All submissions for our fourth issue must be received by February 7, 2025.
To submit your proposal, please complete our Proposal Form.
You can access a PDF of the Proposal Form Questions as you draft, and can also access our Center Moves Keyword Glossary for more information about the keywords in the form. (Please also feel free to write in your own keywords for this wildcard issue so that we might expand our keywords!)