Survey: How does AI affect the reader experience?

Dear Colleagues,

Lately, you’ve probably been in the (unfortunate?) position of reading something and wondering whether it was actually authored by a real, live human. We have, too. So, researchers at Ohio State’s Reader Experience Lab are collecting data about how artificial intelligence (AI) is affecting readers’ experiences (IRB #2024E1056). We would love your help!

We’re looking for participants who would be willing to participate in an online reader experience test. A reader experience test is a type of qualitative research method that involves asking you questions while you engage with reading a textual artifact. We estimate that this test will take no more than 30 minutes to complete. This test can be completed asynchronously (so at any time, in any place) but should be completed in one sitting.

Even though our research interests include AI, you do not need to know anything about AI to participate.

If you would be interested in joining us, we invite you to take the test now, or save the link and take it at a later time (full URL: We also encourage you to forward this email or the link to anyone who you think might be interested in taking this survey.

Thanks so much for considering this invitation. And let me know if you have any difficulties with the link above.

Take care,

Elizabeth & Christa (co-PIs)

Elizabeth Velasquez

PhD Candidate • Writing, Rhetoric, and Literacy Program

Ohio State University
