CFP: Re-Defining Boundaries: Exploring Writing Program Administration Identities (with fixed submission URL)

Dear WPAs and those who do the work of WPAs (even without such titles),

This is a reminder that proposals for our edited collection are due by February 21, 2025. The CFP is attached to this email, and you can also access it here.

Previously, our call included a submission link that didn’t want to behave, no matter what we tried, so we have replaced that link. If you tried to submit and came up against that technical problem, we apologize. Please use the new link listed in the CFP.

If you have any questions, please contact us at babbjs and kcostell. We look forward to receiving your submissions!

Jacob and Kristi

Jacob Babb(he/him/his)
Associate Professor of English
Assistant Chair of Rhetoric and Technical Writing

Co-Editor, Composition Studies

Sanford Hall 222D

CFP – Re-Defining Boundaries_ Exploring Writing Program Administration Identities.pdf