CFP: SDC: A Journal of Writing Center Studies

Hello all,

After a hiatus and time of restructuring, Southern Discourse in the Center is returning and has rebranded to SDC: A Journal of Writing Center Studies.

The new editors, Jamie Garner and Eric Mason, have been working to get the journal up and running again and will have new issues in 2025. Though SDC is the official journal of the Southeastern Writing Centers Association, you do not need to be a member of SWCAto submit.

Please see below for information about how to submit:

We invite submissions for upcoming issues of SDC: A Journal of Writing Center Studies, the official journal of the Southeastern Writing Center Association. In this journal, you’ll find academic conversations about the writing center consultation and administration, as well as the teaching and assessment of writing in all its forms. Every issue includes peer-reviewed scholarly research articles, as well as shorter texts such as book reviews, and special sections such as “Consultant Insight” and “Back to the Center,” which showcase the reflections of writing center consultants and administrators. In the future, we would also be interested to publish replication studies, in which writing centers replicate research from previous peer-reviewed work.

Please send inquiries or submissions to SDC.journal.editors.

Generally articles should be between 3,000 and 5,000 words. If you have something longer, you should first send a query to the editors with an explanation of the project. We ask that all articles be documented in accordance with the MLA Style Manual, 9th Edition. Consistent with traditional writing center practice, SDC promotes a feedback model. Articles will be sent out to our national board for anonymous peer review and reviewed by our editorial team. SDC is excited to work with you.

When sending submissions, please include basic info as part of your email (author name[s], submission title, submission type) and attach an anonymized draft in .docx or .pdf format.

Again, if you have questions about submission processes, the suitability of a piece for submission, or anything else, please email us at sdc.journal.editors.

Thank you,

Jamie Garner

James Donathan Garner, PhD (he/him)

Interim Director, Augusta University Center for Writing Excellence

Editor, SDC: A Journal of Writing Center Studies

Treasurer, American Society for the History of Rhetoric