New: The Big Rhetorical Podcast, Episode #173: Hannah Hopkins

🚨The Big Rhetorical Podcast Episode 173🚨

🔊: Featuring Hannah Hopkins, a PhD Candidate in Rhetoric & Writing at the The University of Texas at Austin!

🔑: Digital Rhetorics, Infrastructure, Digital Writing, Sensory Rhetorics, Pedagogy.


Hannah Hopkins is a PhD Candidate in Rhetoric & Writing at the University of Texas at Austin. Her research engages the material infrastructures of digital writing, extending from the personal device to the vast landscapes of server farms and data centers that support and circulate digital texts. Her work offers that rhetoric’s multimodal, more-than-visual sensing practices help us attune to the fundamental extractivist logics of all writing and the ethical and pedagogical dilemmas that result. Hannah’s research and reviews are published in Technical Communication Quarterly, Rhetoric Society Quarterly, Communication Design Quarterly, and elsewhere.

🎙The Big Rhetorical Podcast is hosted by Dr. Charles Woods, an assistant professor in the Department of Literature and Languages at East Texas A&M University. The Big Rhetorical Podcast has been awarded the Kairos Service Award for Graduate Students, the John Lovas Award, and the Computers & Composition Michelle Kendrick Award for Outstanding Digital Production/Scholarship. Reach out to thebigrhetorical if you would like to be featured on The Big Rhetorical Podcast. Visit our website and follow us on social media @thebigrhet