I’m excited to share that a new issue of Literacy in Composition Studies went live just before the holiday break: https://licsjournal.org/index.php/LiCS/issue/view/362
From the editors’ intro:
This issue explores the interrelatedness and significance of context—including community literacy approaches, prison literacies, and basic writing courses—to the ideological pressures shaping literacy actors and their actions. These ideological pressures are further considered in our symposium piece that discusses how ChatGPT is easily prompted to reproduce racist language politics. Lastly, our book review in this issue considers Eli Goldblatt’s long career through a series of conflicts and disciplinary overlaps.
Brian Hendrickson, PhD(he/him)
Associate Professor
Department of Writing Studies, Rhetoric, and Composition
Roger Williams University
Coeditor, Literacy in Composition Studies
Office: GHH 232
Email: bhendrickson