News: Peter Elbow

Friends and colleagues,

Many of you will already have seen the news on social media that Peter Elbow has died. Peter had an inoperable infection of a perforated intestine but his family was able to be by his side.

The family has now OK’d broader announcements. I don’t have more details about arrangements, remembrances, or sympathies to the family, but friends are in contact with the CCCC for a possible tribute to Peter in Baltimore. If/when I hear more, I’ll send to the list.

There have been a number of touching remembrances on Facebook and elsewhere, and I hope perhaps we can capture those for his family. Peter was a giant in the field of writing studies, in many ways shaping a new focus on student-centered teaching that was compassionate and inclusive. It would take me too long on a listserv to describe all the ways that Peter cared about people, especially those in our field—he was one of the best listeners I’ve ever known. We have lost one of our best.

With much sadness,

Chris Anson