All are invited!
Navigating Professional and Personal Transitions in Digital Environments
a zoom-based interactive conversation on
Monday, March 10, 2025 at 3:00-4:15 pm Eastern (noon Pacific)
sponsored by the
CCCC Standing Group for Senior, Retired, and Late-Career Scholars in Rhetoric and Writing Studies (SGSLR)
Participants in this conversation will get an early look at the SGSLR-sponsored roundtable at CCCC in Baltimore and have an opportunity to comment on and contribute to early drafts of the speakers’ presentations.
CCCC Session Title: Much to Love and Much to Loathe in Leave-taking: Navigating Professional and Personal Transitions in a Digital Environment
Time: Saturday, April 12, 12:30-1:45 Baltimore Convention Center, Room 316
Session Abstract:
“This roundtable will stir conversation on ways we collectively recognize and honor one another’s professional transitions such as moving into administration, pursuing a different profession, retiring, and dying. After speakers briefly reflect on how their own and others’ transitions have challenged and changed us, discussion is open to all session attendees.
Roundtable Participants
“Is This the Dark Side?" Kelly Ritter discusses the slow transition from faculty to full-time faculty administrator
"Never Say Goodbye?" Donna Strickland discusses the process of changing careers post-tenure
“From Full Professor to Zoom Kindergarten Teacher’s Aide” Kathleen Shine Cain discusses new teaching role in retirement
"Frank J. D’Angelo (1929-2024): From the Beginning to the End of an Era" Keith Miller discusses thematic through lines across transitions in the career of Frank D’Angelo, a national figure in rhetoric and writing studies
"Stability in the Face of Change" Alice Horning summarizes her recent study on the impact of reading on our professional lives across the lifespan.
“Responses” Cinthia Gannett moderates the conversation among presenters and other session attendees
Given the intergenerational significance of our focus on professional transitions, early- and mid-career faculty are encouraged to join this conversation. Participants in this Early Look conversation must register in advance:
Questions? Contact Shirley Rose shirley.rose
Shirley Rose
Emeritus Professor of English
Department of English
Arizona State University
PO Box 871401
Tempe AZ 85287-1401
Pronouns: she/her