Hi all –
We’re hiring two professional-track instructors to start in August 2025 to teach courses in our First-Year English program. Please share this with any colleagues or students who you think might be interested in such a position:
The Department of English in the College of Arts and Sciences at the University of South Carolina, Columbia invites applications for two professional-track faculty positions at the rank of Instructor to teach in its First-Year English Program. With these lines we seek to expand our professional-track faculty to provide excellent, engaging, and effective instruction of first-year composition. The successful candidates will teach a 4-4 load each of English 101 and/or English 102, with the possibility of other English courses, dependent upon the needs of the department. With a start date of August 16, 2025.
Candidates must hold a terminal degree in English or a related discipline, completed by August 15, 2025, and have a minimum of three years of experience teaching English at the college level, with demonstrated excellence in teaching first-year composition.
Job posting is available at: https://uscjobs.sc.edu/postings/183797
I’m also happy to answer any questions a prospective applicant might have about these positions, the FYE program here at USC, etc.
Thank you,
Kevin Brock
Associate Professor and Director of First-Year English
Department of English Language and Literature
University of South Carolina
Humanities Office Building
Columbia, SC 29208
Pronouns: he/him