Event: “Critical Disability Studies Research + The Politics of Storytelling” with Hailee Yoshizaki-Gibbons

Hello, from the University of Pittsburgh, where we are hosting the third event in our annual Creating a Culture of Access series!

This Friday, February 28th, from 2-3:30pm, Hailee Yoshizaki-Gibbons will be joining us, via Zoom, for "Critical Disability Studies Research + The Politics of Storytelling."

Register here.


In academia, research is often centered on “collecting evidence.” However, collecting is about gathering and taking. It reflects the colonial, white supremacist, and ableist roots of research. In this talk, Dr. Hailee Yoshizaki-Gibbons draws on disability justice activist Mia Mingus’ practice of “leaving evidence” to argue that a critical disability studies approach to research is centered on a different politics – one of giving, rejecting invisibility and disposability, and elevating our stories. Drawing on nine months of ethnographic data in the dementia unit of a nursing home, Dr. Yoshizaki-Gibbons grapples with the methodological and ethical complexity of critical disability studies research.

If you have any questions, I can be reached at jem496.

Thank you!
Jessie Male

Dr. Jessie Male (rhymes with sale)
Part-time faculty member/accessibility consultant