Dear colleagues,
Below are a few upcoming events with the Council of Writing Program Administrators (CWPA).
Friday, March 14: CWPA Cultural Assessment Conversation on Theme 4
This conversational series has been unpacking CWPA’s Cultural Assessment Report. We have been using this space to reflect together on CWPA’s whitely history and how we can use the recommendations from the Cultural Assessment Report to move toward becoming a more inclusive, welcoming organization. This conversation will explore theme 4, “Equity and Implementation” All conversations are free and open to the public. For more information and to register, click here.
Friday, March 21: Generative AI and as Part of the Writing and Reading Process
As generative AI continues to reshape education, understanding its impact and potential in writing instruction has never been more critical. Dr. Jeanne Beatrix Law of Kennesaw State University will open with data on student attitudes toward generative AI, gathered from over 1,500 first-year students. Building on these insights, Dr. Mary Lourdes Silva of Ithaca College will present curricular examples from a research writing course, demonstrating how GAI can be integrated into the reading process. Join us to explore data-driven insights and innovative teaching strategies that harness the potential and acknowledge the limitations of generative AI in the writing classroom. Free for all members, and $25 for nonmembers. For more information and to register, click here.
Summer Conference: 7/10-7/11
Our summer online conference theme is “The Shifting Nature of WPA Work.” Learn more and submit your proposals here (proposals due March 31).
Summer Workshop for New and Continuing WPAs: 6/23-6/25
The summer workshop for new and continuing WPAs will take place at the University of Houston-Clearlake. Our co-facilitators are David Green and Michelle Bachelor Robinson. The cost of registration will be $675. Registration will include two breakfasts, two lunches, one dinner, and all workshop activities, but it will not include housing or travel costs. For more information and to register, click here.
Please feel free to email me with any questions.
All my best,
Kelly Blewett, Ph.D.
President (2024-2025), Council of Writing Program Administrators (CWPA)