Event: Reminder for Monday: WAC Exemplars Roundtable 2025: How Award-Winning Programs Make WAC Work

This Monday, AWAC’s Mentoring Committee hosts the winners of the WAC Exemplary Program Awards for the WAC Exemplars Roundtable 2025: How Award-Winning Programs Make WAC Work.

Day/Time: Monday, March 10, 1-2:30pm ET/12-1:30pm CT/11am-12:30pm MT/10-11:30am PT

Please sign up for the event using this link: https://iu.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_eG6J9xPAg25uTHg

      Rachel Jasiczek, CT State Community College Norwalk, winner of the 2024 Exemplary Emerging WAC Program Award
      Kirsti Cole, North Carolina State University, winner of the 2024 Exemplary Enduring WAC Program Award
      Roy Schwartzman, North Carolina State University, winner of the 2024 Exemplary Enduring WAC Program Award
      Beth Carroll, Appalachian State University, winner of the 2024 Exemplary Enduring WAC Program Award

Overview: Mentoring Committee invites all AWAC members to a virtual roundtable featuring the winners of the 2024 WAC Exemplary Program Awards. The Exemplary WAC Program Awards series recognizes the extraordinary achievements of WAC directors and/or administrative teams to establish, maintain, and sustain programs that foster and facilitate exemplary engagement with writing across the curriculum at their institution, as well as institutional commitments to support these achievements. We are honored to host our winners for a roundtable presentation and a Q&A.

Rachel Jasiczek of CT State Community College Norwalk: Starting small, the CT State Community College Norwalk WAC Program has expanded steadily since its beginnings in 2021. This WAC program has grown to serve twelve community college campuses in the CT State system. Operating with the assistance of WAC advocates across these campuses has required an impressive degree of collaboration. Equally impressive are the program’s efforts to meet the needs of a diverse student body across the twelve campuses. Efforts to promote equitable grading and linguistic diversity stood out to the awards committee, as well as a forward-thinking perspective on AI.

Kirsti Cole and Roy Schwartzman of North Carolina State University: For more than 28 years, the Campus Writing and Speaking Program (CWSP) staff has not only provided on-the-ground support for promoting, assigning, and assessing student writing to faculty and instructors across 68 departments and 12 colleges, but along the way, has also played a pivotal role in articulating a high-level vision and direction for a culture of writing that permeates the university, its administration, and the many publics whom they serve. NC State is one of the longest-standing programs in communication and writing across the curriculum, yet is also one our field’s most engaged and innovative programs, instilling confidence in its sustainability and continuing effectiveness. The CWSP staff’s contributions to research in writing and communication have resonated broadly, marking them as among the most influential in the field.

Beth Carroll of Appalachian State University: The WAC program at Appalachian State University stands as an enduring WAC program that both engages students with its Vertical Writing Model that accompanies and “grows with” students all four years, and also engages faculty as they work with writing-intensive curriculum anchored in Writing Studies. The Vertical Writing Model, so integrated within the General Education Curriculum, shows the eagerness of the administrators to reach students through all stages of their college experience. We appreciate the forward-thinking, data-driven approach the program offers to not only its students, but also its faculty.

A Zoom link to the event will be provided upon registration.

Questions? Please contact AWAC Mentoring Committee Chair Jackie Kauza (jkauza).

Thank you!

Jackie Kauza
AWAC Mentoring Committee Chair