Hi, all–
Please excuse the cross postings!
The Beyond the Frontier: Innovations in First-Year Composition is accepting proposals (panels, workshops, roundtables) for the Rocky Mountain MLA conference October 16-18 in Spokane, WA. (See here for more information: https://www.rmmla.org/call-for-papers)
The conference is food-heavy, and the registration fee covers these events. On Thursday evening, there is a meet-and-greet with heavy pupus (appetizers); on Friday, there is a keynote luncheon, and the Beyond the Frontier Friday workshop will also have food. Beyond the Frontier sessions are traditionally held on Friday and Saturday of the conference.
To be listed on the program, presenters will need to be current members of Rocky Mountain MLA. The cost is minimal. Information can be found here: https://www.rmmla.org/membership-dues There are several opportunities for early bird registration. Information can be found here: https://rmmla.memberclicks.net/general-information
If you have questions, please contact me! I sit on both the Executive and Editorial Boards, and I am happy to answer questions.
All the best,
Jill Dahlman, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of English
Co-director Media and Communication Studio (MCS)
California Northstate University
College of Health Sciences
2910 Prospect Park Dr.
Rancho Cordova, CA 95670
Co-editor: Beyond the Frontier: Innovations in First Year Composition
Executive Board: Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association
Composition editor: Rocky Mountain Review
Editorial Board: IWAC & WAC Clearinghouse