CFP: Latin American Association of Writing Studies (ALES), Colombia, November 2025

Hi all,

The Latin American Association of Writing Studies is accepting proposals (roundtables, individual presentations, posters) for both in-person and remote participation at the V International ALES Conference, taking place November 4-8, 2025, in Barranquilla, Colombia, and organized by Universidad del Norte.

We invite you to submit your proposals by the end of March and join a dynamic, multilingual, and international scholarly space dedicated to writing studies in Latin America!

Universidad del Norte is a prestigious Colombian institution with a strong trajectory in writing studies and writing centers across the continent. Additionally, Barranquilla offers a fascinating cultural and gastronomic scene and is surrounded by breathtaking beaches and national parks.

ALES website and CFP:
Submission portal:

All the best,


Profesor Titular

Instituto de Ciencias de la Educación
Campus Rancagua. Av. Libertador Bernardo O’Higgins 611

Nota: no sienta la obligación de contestar este correo fuera del horario laboral.