Apply: MLA Institute on Reading and Writing Pedagogy at Access Oriented Institutions

Greetings, fellow writing studies folks!

Georgia Highlands College (where I teach) and Georgia State University (where I got my doctorate) are proud to be collaborating on a project for English graduate students and/or early-career instructors/lecturers/professors of English in the American southeast to focus on teaching reading and writing in AOIs!
I completed this institute several years ago when it was hosted by East Tennessee State University, and I had a wonderful time learning more about what AOIs are and how I could help make my classroom more in-line with the access mission of our college.

To read more about the program, please see the flyer here.

To apply for this opportunity, please click here and complete the application by the deadline of March 31.

You can feel free to email me at my school address, cgrimm, with any questions. Danielle Swanson, dswanson, is leading this for Georgia Highlands but is currently on vacation so may not be able to reply quickly to any questions about the opportunity.
We hope to see you in Georgia this summer!

Charles C. Grimm, Assistant Professor of English
School of Humanities
Cartersville Site | A 220C