Event: Symposium Registration – RSA Madison April 3-4!

Hello from RSA Madison!

You are invited to attend the RSA UW-Madison Student Chapter Spring Symposium "Where Did We Come From/Where Will We Go: Rhetoric From Past to Future." This student-led symposium, which is fully virtual and free of charge, will be held over Zoom from April 3-4.

Please register HERE. Or type in this link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf_HeshzfIaS6Ra08-JedsYYl3qf9LIRaMBuuuBf_m0prI1zQ/viewform

By registering for this symposium, you will receive access to all of the panels, but you can attend as many as you’d like. You will receive links to attend by email prior to the start of the symposium.

Whether you’re presenting or not, we welcome you to join us and support your fellow rhetoric grads!

Please let us know if you have any questions – and we look forward to reconnecting with you soon!
All the best,
Ali Rushevics (rushevics)
Kai Prins (kprins)
Nick Avery
Alex Chakov
Zhi Luo
Hsuan-I Huang
Miranda Perry
The UW-Madison RSA Student Chapter Executive Board

Alicen Rushevics
PhD Candidate | Rhetoric, Politics, and Culture
Department of Communication Arts
Co-President, RSA UW-Madison Student Chapter
Program Assistant, Human Rights Program
University of Wisconsin-Madison

Pronouns: She/Her/Hers