Calling graduate students, non-tenure track faculty, and early career scholars! Submit your proposal for American Society for the History of Rhetoric’s (ASHR’s) Expanding the History of Rhetoric Pedagogy initiative. Selected authors will receive an honorarium of $200.
As part of our ongoing mission to extend and expand the study and teaching of the history of rhetoric across all time periods, places, and cultures, ASHR invites proposals for its Expanding the History of Rhetoric Pedagogy Initiative.
The purpose of this initiative is to support instructors in expanding their educational focus beyond the times, geographies, and vocabularies that most often receive scholarly attention in the teaching of the history of rhetoric. We welcome submissions drawn from the various histories of rhetoric across all periods, languages, cultures, and modes of performance. Each submission should provide an entry point for scholars looking to expand their rhetorical histories beyond the Greco-Roman canon. We encourage proposals from graduate students, non-tenure track faculty, and early career scholars.
Submit proposals as a PDF to Jamie Downing (Jamie.downing) with the email subject line “ASHR pedagogy proposal” by April 15th.
Link to complete call: