Survey: Mandatory Writing Center Visits (for WC Administrators)


My name is Claire Metzger, and I am a 2nd year MA student in Composition and Rhetoric at Miami University of Oxford and graduate assistant director at the Howe Writing Center. I am writing to you to invite you to take a 10-15 minute anonymous survey about your perceptions and your center’s policies about mandatory visits. Whether your center does or does not allow mandatory visits, I am interested in hearing your perspectives!

I am very curious about writing center administrators’ policies and perceptions of mandatory visits. It’s been a while since our field has done a national survey on this topic, and I am intrigued to see if there has been a shift in stance on this complicated topic. I am interested in directors, associate directors, assistant directors, and graduate assistant directors’ perspectives. (Someday, I hope to expand this to consultants too, but as an MA student in a research methods class, I started with administrators.)

Your perspective would greatly assist my understanding of the current approaches to these visits in a post-pandemic academic environment. In addition to being part of my thesis, I plan to share these findings in presentations at future IWCAs and possibly in articles in writing center journals.

I am reaching out on the WCListServ to reach the broadest possible range of Writing Center administrators to gain a range of perspectives. If you have some time to take my survey, I would be very grateful!

As I mentioned, the survey should take about 10-15 minutes to complete, and the first page has the consent form with more information, including about my university IRB. In the survey, I have closed and open questions about your role as an administrator, your perceptions and experiences around mandatory visits, and your center’s policies. At the end of this anonymous survey, there will be a link to a separate, not-connected-to-the-survey form where you may share your name and email to be contacted about a possible 30-minute interview.

If you are interested in taking my survey, please follow this link:

Thank you!!

Claire Metzger

Claire Metzger
Graduate Assistant Director | Howe Writing Center

Graduate Teaching Assistant, Department of English

Miami University