Job: Teaching-Track Faculty Position at Carnegie Mellon, Tepper School of Business

Hello, all —

A quick reminder that the deadline for the Teaching-Track Assistant/Associate Professor of Business Management Communication position at Carnegie Mellon’s Tepper School of Business is approaching — applications are due November 6th, and review of applications will start on October 23. Application information can be found here:

This is a fantastic career-track position for TPC folks. The teaching load (3/3) and service expectations are very humane, and while ongoing research is not an expectation of this position, teaching faculty are welcome to continue their research agendas (I certainly have). In addition, CMU’s students are brilliant and diverse — our student body represents more than 115 countries — and working with them is a real treat. Finally, Tepper’s compensation packages are in line with its standing as a top 20 b-school, which is to say they’re *very* generous and likely exceed what many English and Communications programs are able to offer.

If you have questions about the position, message me off-list; happy to answer!

Emily B. DeJeu, PhD | she/her

Assistant Teaching Professor, Business Management Communication



Carnegie Mellon University

Tepper School of Business

5000 Forbes Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15213