News: Updates on the List

Hi everyone,I have some updates on the process I’m using to share the announcements and the schedule that I’m following.

The Process and Access to Announcements
As I posted back in May, Reddit’s system suddenly marked all of the announcements that had been posted as spam. There are a total of 4 years’ worth of posts (over 5000 messages, now in the spam bin. No one there can tell me why or if things can be reversed. I have gotten no response from the admins there, so I have resigned myself to giving up on Reddit. It was nice while it lasted.

Starting Friday, June 9, the announcements are being posted to a blog: I am working on a system to add categories to all the posts so that finding a particular type of announcements (e.g., jobs) will be easier. AND I have added the CFP Calendar in the sidebar to make those details easier to find too.

Once the posts are published on the blog, they are then pushed out to our group Facebook page and to my Twitter feed (with #WPAannouncements). Everyone still have multiple ways to find the announcements, so I hope this new system will be a reasonable replacement.

The Schedule for the Summer Months
Due to some issues with anxiety and depression, I am taking time off this summer. I am not teaching, so I am at the computer less. When I am, I’m teaching myself more about geeky things like CSS and Bootstrap, and I am working on some resources for teaching tech writing.

As a result of my need to take a break and take care of myself, I will be forwarding messages to the list less frequently. During the academic year, I try to post every day. This summer, I’m relaxing that schedule and plan to post every two or three days. Naturally, the schedule will vary depending upon what else is going on in my world. Please bear with me while I rest and recharge.

The List Status & Thank You
As of today, we have 981 members on the list. I’m looking at you out there to find me 19 more colleagues by the list anniversary in October. Thanks to all of you for being on the list and sharing such great resources.

I hope you all have time this summer to relax a bit and spend some time with friends and family. Take care!
