CFP: Digital Literacies for Human Connection (Deadline Extention)

Hello Colleagues,

The editorial team has decided to extend the deadline for the Digital Literacies for Human Connection edited collection until Monday, November 6, 2023.

See the CFP here

Digital Literacies for Human Connection explores how we can teach digital literacies with a focus on humanistic concerns and human connection. The CFP asks for short 200-300 word abstracts, and if accepted, contributors will write a short 10-page chapter featuring a (1) concept about digital literacies and (2) an activity or assignment teaching that concept. We believe this unique book project will make a big impact for rhetoric and composition instructors at large.

Please do not hesitate to reach out to the editorial team with any questions or inquiries to digitaltechhumanconnection.

David Coad with Amber Buck, Anuj Gupta, and Rich Shivener

David T. Coad, PhD
Santa Clara University | Dept. of English
Co-Editor, Dynamic Activities for First-Year Composition (2023, NCTE)

Co-Editor, Digital Literacies for Human Connection (CFP out now!)

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