Job: Asst Professor (TT) College Writing Program/English at SUNY Buffalo State University

Dear Colleagues:

I am excited to share that SUNY Buffalo State’s College Writing Program and English Department are hiring an Assistant Professor of English to start in Fall 2024. Please share this job widely.

The official job listing and application can be found here: More details are below.

Responsibilities: As a teaching institution, Buffalo State expects faculty to be productive in the areas of teaching, scholarship, and service. Teaching load includes predominately first-year composition courses in the College Writing Program with some undergraduate courses in the Writing major, Technical Writing Certificate and/or Creative Writing. The appointee will also assist with the development and support of the College Writing Program, its faculty, curricula, and first-year student retention initiatives; engage in scholarly research and/or creative activity; advise students; participate in department, program, and community service. The College Writing Program is committed to antiracist pedagogies and curricular innovations, and we seek a colleague with knowledge of the ways language and literacy of underserved groups have been marginalized in academic and professional settings. This person will contribute to facilitating constructive dialogues in the classroom and community to inspire responsible, socially engaged citizenship.

Required qualifications include: 1. an earned Ph.D. in Rhetoric and Composition by the date of appointment; 2. a record of scholarly activity in Rhetoric and Composition, and/or professional and technical writing; 3. evidence of successful, high-quality teaching of historically marginalized and/or first generation students as they transition to college; and 4. a demonstrated commitment to social justice, diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility in teaching, research, and/or service.

Preferred qualifications include: 1. training and/or experience in composition pedagogy best practices, faculty professional development, and TESOL; 2. experience teaching undergraduate and/or graduate courses in technical communication, particularly courses with a focus on grant writing or social/new media; 3. experience implementing antiracist and inclusive practices in the service of social justice and equity (e.g. assessment models, retention initiatives, policies for linguistic justice).

Appointment: Full-time tenure-track appointment beginning August, 2024. Salary is competitive nationally and includes excellent benefits.

Application Materials: Priority will be given to applications received by November 10, 2023. Send a letter of interest; curriculum vitae; teaching philosophy; a brief statement addressing your past and/or potential commitment to social justice, diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility through scholarship, teaching, and service; and information for three professional references (their position, title, e-mail, phone number).

Email questions to: Dr. Natalie Szymanski: szymanna

All best,
Mary Beth

Mary Beth Sullivan (she, her, hers)
Lecturer, College Writing Program/English Department
213-I Ketchum Hall
1300 Elmwood Avenue
Buffalo, New York 14222