Volunteer: The Future of CCCC Task Force


Volunteer for the Future of CCCC Task Force

Dear CCCC Members,

In the coming months, the Officers of the Conference on College Composition and Communication (CCCC) will convene a Future of CCCC Task Force to deliberate together on the future of CCCC. The work of this Task Force will be of critical importance to the vitality of our organization. We seek to become increasingly nimble and adaptable in meeting the needs and interests of our members and increasingly responsive and effective as advocates for our members.

We invite volunteers willing to dedicate time and energy to developing creative and practical approaches to organizational change that are rooted in a shared vision for the future of CCCC. The Task Force expectations are as follows:

  • We estimate a time commitment of five hours a month between January and June 2024.
  • That commitment will include virtual meetings, individual and small group work, and report and recommendation writing.
  • In addition to working on growth and organizational energy strategies, we will be developing a continuity of priorities for the next five to ten years and identifying issues toward which CCCC should direct its energy. We will be communicating regularly with the membership, the Executive Committee, and the Officers throughout our deliberations, and all recommendations will be offered for approval by the Executive Committee.

We hope to recruit volunteers who represent a wide swath of CCCC membership, including graduate students, members of all identity caucuses, representatives of special interest groups, two-year colleges, HBCUs, tribal colleges, four-year colleges, and faculty at all ranks, including adjuncts and lecturers.

We hope to recruit volunteers with longstanding commitments to CCCC but also new members and members who have not been so involved with the organization in the past. In short, we hope that members of the Task Force will represent a wide variety of perspectives.

As incoming CCCC Chair, I will be chairing the Task Force and acting as its liaison to the organization’s officers. As you consider volunteering, if you have questions, please do email me directly at fcondon.

If you are interested in participating on the Task Force, please complete this form by November 13, 2023.

Volunteer Here

With warm regards,

Frankie Condon, Associate Chair

[cateogry volunteer]