2024 ECWCA Conference

Leaping Ahead: Embracing The Gift of Time in Writing Centers

Reminder: Call for Proposals

We are currently accepting proposals for the upcoming annual ECWCA (East Central Writing Centers Association) conference in Dayton, Ohio, February 29-March 2, 2024!

We invite you to consider how time has impacted the writing center at your institution in the following ways:

  1. What opportunities do new technologies like generative AI or online tutoring platforms offer to help us save time – as students, tutors, and administrators?
  2. What are those “time zappers” that suck away your time? Do you have any special tricks for avoiding or managing them?
  3. As administrators, we’re often asked to split our time between tasks – teaching, supervising, research, etc. How do you decide how to prioritize, or what tools help you make this happen?
  4. What evidence-based methods help ensure that tutoring time is time well spent? How can these methods save time for student writers? How can time out of sessions best support writing tutors?
  5. How do tutors prepare for sessions? What habits, rituals, or strategies help us get ‘in the zone’?
  6. Time flies when you’re having fun! In what ways has your writing center worked to foster community (and have fun!) at your institution?
  7. In what ways can we or should we be challenging social, cultural, or linguistic traditions in the Writing Center?
  8. How do you prioritize inclusive practices such as Universal Design for Learning Principles in your work?
  9. What Innovative programming have you undertaken by seizing an opportunity or collaborating with campus and community partners?
  10. Writing Centers are constantly adapting to the needs of their campus community. How do you remain flexible as tutors, faculty, or administrators year to year?
  • All proposals should be submitted electronically by 11:59 PM on December 18, 2023
  • Notification of acceptance by early January

Please see the conference webpage for more info and access to the proposal submission form.

We’re looking forward to seeing you at Wright State University in the spring!

Jill Tussing

Program Director, University Writing Center

Pronouns: she/her/hers

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