Job: SJSU: Assistant Professor of Technical/Workplace Writing

Hi Everyone,

San Jose State University is looking to hire an Assistant Professor of Technical/Workplace Writing with a Specialization in Social Media. The position is full time and tenure track.

Our program is the largest in Silicon Valley and we have hundreds of graduates working all over the world.

While we have existing courses to teach, we are hoping to find a faculty member to create new curriculum/courses based on their experience and expertise. Students are primarily seniors, grad students, and mid-career professionals. An applicant with industry experience is a plus.

You can read the official job listing, but I can add a few more things about the setting: Our students are wonderfully diverse and engaged. We have a collegial department that hits a lot of hockey games together. We’re an hour from beaches, San Francisco, and Oakland. Two hours from wine country. The weather is generally great. The rents are Bay Area rents, but it’s an easy, friendly, tolerant place to live.

Please consider applying or forwarding to anyone who might be interested. The application deadline is December 1st.



Mark Thompson

Associate Professor

Director of Professional and Technical Writing
Academic Advisor, PTW & Creative Writing

Department of English and Comparative Literature

San Jose State University
1 Washington Square
San Jose, CA 95192
