New: Composition Forum Volume 52

Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to announce the publication of Volume 52 of Composition Forum, now available at:

This issue includes the following features:

· An interview on play and mindfulness with Jackie Rhodes

· A retrospective on Janet Emig’s The Composing Processes of Twelfth Graders and the “composing aloud” method

· Six articles addressing topics including mêtis in the composition classroom, circulation and virality, narrative writing assignments, peer feedback and transfer, graduate student instructors engaging in reflective writing, and the impact of a custom common textbook in FYW

· Two program profiles describing the English Language Learner Writing Center (ELLWC) at Miami University and the Science Communication (SciComm) Undergraduate Writing Minor at the University of California, Santa Barbara

· Three book reviews: Behind the Curtain of Scholarly Publishing: Editors in Writing Studies (Giberson, Schoen, and Weisser, 2022), Our Body of Work: Embodied Administration and Teaching (Nicolas and Sicari, 2022), and Toward an Anti-Capitalist Composition (Rushing, 2022)

Thanks for taking time to read this volume of Composition Forum, and we welcome your suggestions and comments!

Shane Wood

Communications Editor

Composition Forum