Event: SAVE THE DATE for CLA & Writing Centers

Please save the date, Monday, January 29th, 3 pm EST, for CLA & Writing Centers: Rhetorical Grammar in Play

The salon will offer an introduction to Write It, a weekly interactive academic writing workshop offered by the Queen’s University International Centre (QUIC) and Student Academic Success Services (SASS) at Queen’s University (Canada). We are fortunate to have Johanna Amos, Lydia Skulstad and Alyssa Foerstner from Queens University facilitate the salon, which may just help you fall in love with language again and in turn help our tutors discover how fun it can be to ‘talk grammar’ rather than ‘fix grammar’.

While the salon may be most relevant for writing center tutors and those who train tutors, writing teachers will most certainly benefit, as well. More details to come after the first of the year! (A very special thanks to Shawna Shapiro for giving Writing Center folks an opportunity to engage with each other through the CLA Collective platform 😉)

Susanne Treiber
Writing Center Manager
Madison Area Technical College
Office: B2200 Writing Center: A2000P