Survey: Final Reminder & Request for Help: Research study on AI and teacher labor

Hi all,

I hope you’re all having a restful winter break! I’m sending out a final reminder about our study on teacher labor in the context of generative artificial intelligence and large language models like ChatGPT. I also have a quick request for your help.

We’re very thankful to everyone who has participated so far! We’re also hoping we might get some help in distributing this survey to folks in your departments/programs, especially NTT instructors (full-time, part-time, and adjunct instructors) and graduate student instructors.

There is a more complete explanation of this IRB-approved project at the beginning of the survey linked below, so even just forwarding this email on would be much appreciated. The survey should take between 10-20 minutes to complete.

Thank you in advance for completing this survey and/or forwarding it on to others. If you have any questions, please contact us at stacy.wittstock and lynchbin.


Stacy Wittstock
Assistant Director of Composition & Assistant Professor-in-Residence
Department of English
University of Nevada, Las Vegas

Amy Lynch-Biniek
Professor and Composition Coordinator
Department of English
Kutztown University of Pennsylvania