Job: Teaching Track Positions at University of Pittsburgh

The University of Pittsburgh English Department is advertising two teaching track positions in Composition:

  1. Teaching Track with specialization in Technical Writing or Digital Composition and Narrative

The Department of English at the University of Pittsburgh invites applications for a Teaching Assistant Professor or Teaching Associate Professor to join its active and innovative Composition program. The person who is hired will begin on a three-year renewable contract, starting in fall term 2024, pending budgetary approval. The teaching load is 3/3, plus expected service such as administrative or committee work and advising undergraduate research. This position is undergraduate-focused and outside the tenure track, and it has paths to promotion and leadership positions, as well as five-year renewable contracts after promotion.

The Composition program–one of four constituent programs in English (Literature, Creative Writing, and Film and Media Studies)–offers an array of first-year composition courses, general education Writing courses, and a Public and Professional Writing major and certificate. Our courses are also integral to the Digital Narrative and Interactive Design (DNID) joint major with the School of Computing and Information, the Public Communication of Science and Technology certificate, and an interdisciplinary Disability Studies Certificate. We value flexible teachers who can create engaging courses that respond to the needs of our programs and to school-wide general education requirements.

We are seeking to hire a Teaching Assistant Professor or Teaching Associate Professor to regularly teach courses such as: Introduction to Technical Writing, Digital Humanity, Writing with Data, Composing Digital Media, Digital Narrative and Interactive Design, or Usability Testing in Technical Writing, and to possibly develop other courses that will support students who are DNID majors or who want to become technical writers. Technical writing and Digital Composition and Narrative are two growing areas of interest among our students and we are looking for a colleague who can support at least one of these areas.

As a department that values inclusive and welcoming environments in which to work and learn, we are interested in hearing from candidates whose lived experiences would prove resourceful in mentoring students of diverse backgrounds, including students of color, LGBTQ+ students, first-generation college students, and students with disabilities. We also appreciate your interest and experience in writing program administration, which is closely tied to the work of these positions.

Application deadline: February 2, 2024

Full details and application link available at the Pitt Talent Center.

Please contact Lauren Morrison, Department of English, 526 Cathedral of Learning, Pittsburgh, PA 15260, with any questions: engchair

  1. Teaching Assistant Professor of Public and Professional Writing (online and in-person)

The Department of English at the University of Pittsburgh invites applications for Teaching Assistant Professors to join its active and innovative Composition program. The person who is hired will begin on a three-year renewable contract, starting in fall term 2024, pending budgetary approval. The teaching load is 3/3 (with both online and in-person courses), plus expected service such as administrative or committee work and advising undergraduate research. This position is undergraduate-focused and outside the tenure track, and it has paths to promotion and leadership positions, as well as five-year renewable contracts after promotion.

The Composition program–one of four constituent programs in English (Literature, Creative Writing, and Film and Media Studies)–offers an array of first-year composition courses general education Writing courses, and a Public and Professional Writing major and certificate. Our courses are also integral to the Digital Narrative and Interactive Design joint major with the School of Computing and Information, the Public Communication of Science and Technology certificate, and an interdisciplinary Disability Studies Certificate. We value flexible teachers who can create engaging courses that respond to the needs of our programs and to school-wide general education requirements.

We are seeking to hire a Teaching Assistant Professor who will teach intermediate and advanced Public and Professional Writing courses in both online and in-person formats: four online courses a year for students in the College of General Studies and two in-person courses for students in the Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences. Possible online courses include Written Professional Communication, Persuasive Writing in Advertising, Public Relations Writing, Professional Uses of Social Media, and more. Possible in-person courses include first-year composition, digital media, legal and policy writing, medical and health writing, science and technical writing, writing in advertising and public relations, professional writing, Black rhetorics, and disability studies.

As a department that values inclusive and welcoming environments in which to work and learn, we are interested in hearing from candidates whose lived experiences would prove resourceful in mentoring students of diverse backgrounds, including students of color, LGBTQ+ students, first-generation college students, and students with disabilities. We also appreciate your interest and experience in writing program administration, which is closely tied to the work of these positions.

Full details and application link available at the Pitt Talent Center.

Application deadline: February 2, 2024

Please contact Lauren Morrison, Department of English, 526 Cathedral of Learning, Pittsburgh, PA 15260, with any questions: engchair