News: Kenneth Bruffee Award winners

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Dear colleagues,

On behalf of chair Kristi McDuffie and the committee for the Kenneth Bruffee Award, I am pleased to announce the winners for 2022 and 2023. The Kenneth Bruffee Award recognizes exceptional scholarship published in WPA: Writing Program Administration each year.

The recipient of the 2022 award is Zhaozhe Wang, whose article “Toward a Rhetorical Model of Directed Self-Placement” was published in WPA issue 44.1 (Fall 2020). Committee members were impressed with Professor Wang’s innovative and theoretically grounded approach to DSP and its inclusive representation of international students in DSP practices.

The recipients of the 2023 award are Deborah Minter and Shari Stenberg, whose article “Arriving with Credit: A Study of 200-Level Writers and the Question of Equivalency,” was published in WPA in 44.2 (Spring 2021). Committee members were impressed with the article’s detailed study on various types of composition credit and the prioritization of student voices. In addition, the committee notes, this article can benefit teachers and administrators across institutions.

Hearty congratulations to Professors Wang, Minter, and Stenberg!



Lilian Mina, Vice President/President Elect, Council of Writing Program Administrators