GradSchool: RPI’s Grad Program Accepting Applications

Good afternoon,

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute’s (RPI) interdisciplinary Communication and Media Department is accepting applications for the 2024-25 graduate cohort in Communication and Rhetoric.The application deadline for Ph.D. students is January 22, and the application deadline for M.S. students is March 1.

Rensselaer, the United States’ first technological research university, is also home to cutting edge research and performance facilities and offers students the opportunity to explore topics such as: Digital Rhetoric, Mis/Disinformation, Science and Technical Communication, Film and TV studies, Human-Centered Design, Critical Game Studies, and Ethnography.

Please find the attached flyer for a description and to pass along to potential applicants. You can also look on our JonesL8) or the Department chair (Gordot). You can also view the application website here.

Thanks for your consideration,

Corinne Jones
