Event: Dialogues about issues in Community Writing

We are thrilled to announce two dialogues about issues in Community Writing (a series for scholars, activists, and organizers) to be held in March 2024.

–The first dialogue, on March 1st, is between Dr. Vox Jo Hsu and Dr. Ada Hubrig.
March 1st @ 11 AM EST, Titles: "Constellating Care in Community Writing," & "Honoring Trans/Crip Tensions in Community Writing"

–The second, on March 22nd, is between Dr. Donnie Johnson Sackey and Dr. Aja Y. Martinez.
March 22nd @ 12 PM EST, Titles: "How Does Community Mean," & "The Communities and Stories that Craft Pedagogy, Methodology, and Theory"

These virtual dialogues are designed to open a deliberative space for scholars, activists, and organizers to discuss the most pressing issues for Community Writing work. Moderator, Dr. Bethany Monea (University of the District of Columbia), will facilitate these dialogues and take your questions.

Hold the dates and please stay tuned for registration information: Friday, March 1st at 11 am EST and Friday, March 22nd at 12 noon EST.

**These events are funded by a 4VA grant and coordinated by the Virginia Community Writing Collaborative. Co-sponsors include the Ph.D. in Writing and Rhetoric at George Mason University, the University of the District of Columbia, and the Mason Graduate Chapter of the Rhetoric Society of America.**