Event: 2024 CCCC Annual Convention 75th celebration


Join us in Spokane, Washington, for the 2024 Annual Convention of the Conference on College Composition and Communication (CCCC), a constituent group of the National Council of Teachers of English. This year’s theme is “Writing Abundance: Celebrating 75 Years of Conversations about Rhetoric, Composition, Technical Communication, and Literacy.”

Taking place April 3–6, 2024, the Convention provides an opportunity to learn more about CCCC as an organization and gather with its membership of rhetoric, composition, and writing studies scholars. As a community of educators and learners, we look forward to coming together for hundreds of productive workshops, sessions, roundtables, events, and collegial conversations.

Early bird registration is open! Register before March 6, 2024, to take advantage of our disctounted rates. As a #4C24 attendee, you can look forward to engaging opportunities to learn from your CCCC colleagues, feel inspired by exciting speakers, and much more!

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