Nominate: Technology Innovator Award Call for Nominations – due April 5


Deadline for nominations: April 5, 2024

Join us in celebrating the 25th anniversary of the TIA! So much innovation!

The CCCC Committee on Computers in Composition and Communication (7Cs) will honor an innovator in our community at the2024 Computers and Writing Conference at Texas Christian University. We need your help to identify a person who has pushed our field regarding excellence in teaching, more rigorous scholarship, and deeper levels of service.

Among other qualities, this year’s innovator will be the person whom you recognize as having done the most to help other teachers use computer-mediated learning and teaching and has served as a mentor to those new to computers and composition.

This year’s recipient should be a person who pushes the envelope, who moves us beyond the cutting edge to the bleeding edge, who is willing to open the technological Pandora’s Box knowing full well that the challenges and work that we’ll meet as that Box is opened will strengthen our community and make our classes better. The recipient of the Technology Innovator Award might be referred to as an outstanding leader or an electronic pioneer who calls our assumptions into question, urging us to engage in an active search for new and exciting ways to accomplish our pedagogical goals in the composition classroom.

Nominees for the award can be of any academic rank (student, contract, staff, tenure-line or tenured faculty, etc.) as well as independent scholars.


The recipient of the Technology Innovator Award

  • has made a significant groundbreaking or foundational contribution to the field of computers and composition

  • demonstrates outstanding teaching achievements with computer technologies

  • provides ongoing support and encouragement to the community, in particular to those who teach with computer technologies

  • contributes to the field through scholarship and publication in print and electronic media (including such media as journal articles, discussion lists, webtexts/hypertexts, text/book authorship, and editorial work)


While we ask that you keep nomination letters to 750 to 1000 words, we do encourage you to include or link to CVs and supplementary material. Do keep in mind that the more thorough the nominations are, the better the individual’s chances. Stated another way: Nominations consisting of only a name, a few sentences, and a link to a CV may not stand up against more formal, detailed nominations. We encourage single letters of recommendation crafted and signed by individuals or groups instead of multiple letters for a single nominee.

  • Nomination letters should be kept to 750-1000 words.

  • A nomination should consist of an email that includes specific details on the nominee’s award qualifications. Nominations should contain information on accessing materials that demonstrate the nominee’s work. Attachments are acceptable.

  • Nominations can be submitted by an individual, a group of individuals, or a professional organization (e.g., the Assembly on Computers on English, the Council of Writing Program Administrators, the CCCC Caucus on Intellectual Property and Composition, etc.).

  • Self nominations are encouraged.

Beginning in 2007, the 7Cs elected to keep nominations for this award in a two-year rotation. The judging committee, comprised of previous winners of this award, will consider all nominations from last year (2023) in addition to any new nominations for this year. We recognize the work you put into the nomination process and want to honor that by considering deserving individuals without repeating the paperwork.

If you want to nominate someone and you aren’t sure whether they were nominated last year, please contact this year’s Technology Innovator Award Coordinator Naomi Silver at nesilver for clarification/confirmation.

Please title the email: Tech Innovator Award: NOMINEE’S LASTNAME

Send nominations via email to the award coordinator, Naomi Silver at nesilver

Deadline for nominations: April 5, 2024


The following outstanding members of the computers and writing community have already received the Technology Innovator Award. (Past winners should not be re-nominated.)

The judging committee is typically comprised of the five most-recent-years’ past winners.

2023: Vyshali Manivannan

2022: Pamela Takayoshi

2021: Joy Robinson

2020: Laura Gonzales

2019: Jim Ridolfo

2018: Stephanie Vie

2017: Traci Gardner
2016: Karl Stolley

2015: MSU’s WIDE

2014: Dan Anderson

2013: Angela Haas

2012: Cheryl Ball

2011: Charlie Lowe & Michael Day (tie)

2010: Nick Carbone

2009: Dànielle DeVoss & Will Hochman (tie)

2008: Janice Walker

2007: Kris Blair

2006: Mike Palmquist

2005: Richard Selfe

2004: Carolyn Handa

2003: Charles Moran

2002: John Slatin

2001: Lisa Gerrard

2000: Gail Hawisher and Cynthia Selfe

1999: Fred Kemp

Please send questions, comments, and nomination submissions to Technology Innovator Award Coordinator Naomi Silver at nesilver.

Naomi Silver, Ph.D. (she, her, hers)
Teaching Professor, Sweetland Center for Writing, University of Michigan
Co-Director, Digital Rhetoric Collaborative