Survey: The Palestine Exception in Rhet/Comp

Dear colleagues,

We are looking for participants in a qualitative study that explores the thoughts and experiences of US university faculty in Rhetoric and Composition regarding the perceived and actual professional and personal repercussions of engaging in discourse, research, teaching, and service that addresses the Palestine/Israel War. We are interested in analyzing how silencing and silence take place in academia around this contentious political issue, and the implications on research, service, and teaching. While this silencing has been written about in scholarly and popular media, the voices of faculty regarding the issue remain largely unexplored.

We are looking for Rhet/Comp faculty at 4-year universities in the US (instructors, pre-tenure, or tenured). Participants will be interviewed via Zoom. Interviews will last 45-70 minutes and responses will be anonymized to remove participants’ identifying particulars or details before publication.

If you’d like to participate, please provide your information HERE and we will be in touch with you promptly. Interviews will take place between February and June 2024.

For more information about this study, please contact the co-principal investigators by email at PalestineExceptionStudy.

Study Title: The Palestine Exception: Implications of Silence for Rhetoric and Composition

PI: Ana Milena Ribero & Anushka Peres

IRB: HE-2023-720

Ana Milena Ribero, PhD
Assistant Professor
School of Writing, Literature, and Film
318 Moreland Hall | Oregon State University

“Caminante no hay camino, se hace camino al andar.”

Author of Dreamer Nation: Immigration, Activism, and Neoliberalism.

Book review editor, constellations: a cultural rhetorics publishing space,