CFP: CCCC Roundtable: Remixing Critical and Creative Resistances to GenAI in Writing Classrooms and Programs

Dear Colleagues,

As Dr. Adisa notes in this year’s call for proposals, “technologies such as generative AI (GAI) offer possibilities but also ethical dilemmas.” Such possibilities and ethical dilemmas have been explored in the MLA-CCCC working papers on writing and AI and the recent collections TextGenEd: Teaching with Text Generation Technologies and Teaching and Generative AI, among other emergent research and resources responding to the current moment. However, there has thus far not been a specific discussion about more critical and creative forms of resistance to this technology on the basis of these ethical dilemmas. This roundtable will discuss how to remix current pedagogical and programmatic approaches so that we can both respond to the current Generative AI moment while also leaning into what we know about teaching writing.

We invite brief (100-150 word) proposals for a roundtable focused on teaching in the age of Generative AI and pedagogies of resistance. We especially invite proposals that take up the question of AI-resistant pedagogies alongside the following topics:

  • Race, gender, and/or disability justice and/or equity
  • Linguistic oppression and injustice
  • Labor concerns, especially for TAs, contingent, and non-tenure-track faculty
  • Writing program and course goals or outcomes
  • Specific pedagogical approaches or course assignments
  • Intellectual property, data privacy, and/or surveillance
  • Educational technology, learning management systems, and the corporatization of higher education

Presentation Format:

  • Duration: Each presentation will last 5-6 minutes.
  • Content: Presentations should focus on ways of creatively resisting AI hype in writing classrooms and programs

Submission Instructions:
Please send proposals (100-150 words) to Maggie Fernandes (mbfern) and Megan McIntyre (mm250) by May 15, 2024. We’ll respond no later than May 22, 2024.

Please include the following presenter/presentation information:

  • Your name(s)
  • Your affiliation(s)
  • Your email
  • A working title for your presentation

Maggie and Megan

Dr. Megan McIntyre
Director, Program in Rhetoric and Composition
Department of English
University of Arkansas