News: Winner of the 2024 Exemplary Emerging WAC Program (1-5 years) is…

Writing Across the Curriculum Program at CT State Community College

Rachel Jasiczek

Starting small, the CT State Community College Norwalk WAC Program has expanded steadily outward since its beginnings in 2021. Perhaps most noteworthy about this WAC program is the fact that, while it is based at the Norwalk campus, it has grown to serve twelve community college campuses in the CT State system. This WAC program had done an excellent job of both implementing successful programming across multiple campuses and creating more targeted programming to meet the needs of specific campuses. Operating with the assistance of WAC advocates across these campuses has required an impressive degree of collaboration.

Equally impressive are the program’s efforts to meet the needs of a diverse student body across the twelve campuses. Efforts to promote equitable grading and linguistic diversity stood out to the committe, as well as a forward-thinking perspective on AI. It was clear that the leadership of this program is committed to supporting students’ development as writers and supporting the faculty who teach students across the curriculum.

Though the WAC Program at CT State Community College falls into the emerging program category, it truly feels fully formed. It stood out to the committee because of its scope, structure, stability, and impact on students and faculty alike. We are excited to see this program continue to grow.

This award is jointly awarded by AWAC and the WAC Clearinghouse. It will be presented at IWAC 2025.

Profiles for each winning program will be available online later this summer. Learn more about the awards program at

Dr. Kristen Welch, Assistant Professor of English, Spartanburg Methodist College
Associate Publisher for Marketing and Advancement, WAC Clearinghouse