Survey: WAC Programs and WAC Leaderships from AWAC

Dear Colleagues,

The Executive Committee of the Association for Writing Across the Curriculum
requests your participation in a survey. The purpose of our inquiry is to
assess the current state of writing across the curriculum (WAC) programs and
WAC leadership. Since its inception more than fifty years ago, writing across
the curriculum has been at the nexus of change in higher education, within
disciplines, and in broader social and cultural developments. Recent years
have seen substantial shifts in curriculum and management of higher education,
a global health pandemic, and the development of generative artificial
intelligence technologies that challenge writing and thinking instruction at
all levels of the curriculum. We hope to better understand how WAC programs
and leaders are responding to these issues and energies and share those
findings with the global WAC community. This survey will provide a broad
snapshot of the current state of the field, provide insight into the potential
impact of AI on WAC, and we hope our findings will help directors make
decisions and arguments as they build their programs.

The survey will take about 10-15 minutes, and after completing it, you’ll have
the chance to enter your name into a drawing to win $25 gift cards.


Thank you for your participation and support,

Justin Rademaekers, AWAC Outgoing Chair
Paula Rosinski, AWAC Secretary
on behalf of the AWAC Executive Committee