CFP: Made Not Only in Grades: Multimodal Assessment in the Social Justice Turn

One month left to propose to Made Not Only in Grades: Multimodal Assessment in the Social Justice Turn!

A friendly reminder that we are accepting proposals for a born-digital collection focusing on multimodality, assessment, and social justice. A full CFP and submission information is available at If possible, share this CFP with your networks.

We will be accepting proposals until August 16, 2024. If you have any questions or would like to schedule a time to brainstorm with the Editors, please email us at multimodalassessmentcollection.

Take care,
Gavin, Ashanka, and Shane

On Fri, May 24, 2024 at 10:00 AM Multimodal Assessment Collection <multimodalassessmentcollection> wrote:

Dear friends and colleagues,

We (Gavin P. Johnson, Ashanka Kumari, and Shane A. Wood) are excited to call for born-digital projects for an edited collection tentatively titled Made Not Only in Grades: Multimodal Assessment in the Social Justice Turn. Here is a brief abstract for the collection:

Assessment is central to contemporary writing studies praxis. Regardless of our areas of expertise, pedagogical approaches, or institutional contexts, all teachers engage with writing assessment—be it formative, informal, peer-to-peer, teacher response, programmatic, etc. Scholarship on writing assessment, multimodality, and justice-oriented practices has increased over the past two decades; however, each of these respective discourses have gaps. Writing assessment continues to be challenged by issues of individual approach, fairness, and validity. Multimodality and antiracist writing assessment overemphasize the alphabetic text (linguistic mode) as opposed to various modes of communication (e.g., visual, oral, gestural, spatial). This collection seeks to address gaps in research and works to dismantle the manufactured separation of multimodality and antiracist practices in writing assessment.

A full CFP and submission information is available at If possible, share this CFP with your networks.

We will be accepting proposals until August 16, 2024. If you have any questions or would like to schedule a time to brainstorm with the Editors, please email us at multimodalassessmentcollection.

Take care,
Gavin, Ashanka, and Shane